Was The 20th Century A Mistake?

October 24, 2007 at 10:31am | Posted in art, culture, film, history, photography | Leave a comment
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This is the most amazing thing I’ve seen in a while: Iconic Moments of the Twentieth Century by Henry VIII’s Wives. Who are these people and how do I make them (the artists and the rad senior citizens who agreed to participate in their project) my BFFs 4 life????!! (Found thanks to the weirdos over at VVORK.)

Also, Werner Herzog will be speaking for free tonite at the University of Pennsylvania‘s Meyerson Hall. The event starts at 5pm; seating is limited. Not really sure what Herzog (who professes to hate the academy, has been quoted as saying, “film is not the art of scholars, but of illiterates,” and is kind of a dickhead in the best way possible) is doing here, but apparently the talk will address the question, Was the 20th Century a Mistake? I don’t know about that, but I’m pretty sure you could make a case for the 21st Century being a mistake, at least thus far.

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